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Laila Angell, singer/composer is now releasing her second album, Where the Fishes Dance.

The music could be mainly classified within landscapic and

melodic pop jazz, though strongly influenced by other musical genres.

After her debut album that came out in 2011 and received good reviews

from Dagens Næringsliv and Jazznytt, she has appeared again as the author of the music. The lyrics are partly written by author Marit Berger. "Marit and I co-worked on my first album ”Changes” as well. "I asked Marit to write me a lyric about the movements and fascination of the ocean ", she wrote ”Where the Fishes Dance”. She has also penned ”Someone’s Child” another comission from me.

A lyrical vocal accompanied by a piano trio, has been enriched by introducing strings into a jazz timbre. Six contrasting compositions discover a plenty of rhythmic and harmonic diversity within various moods. This time she collaborates with a jazz pianist and co-arranger Bojan Marjanovic, drummer Øystein Bang and double bass player Bjørnar Kaldefoss Tveite.

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